Integrated simulation of ELM energy loss and cycle in improved H-mode plasmas

The energy loss due to an edge localized mode (ELM) crash and its cycle have been studied by using an integrated core transport code with a stability code for peeling–ballooning modes and a transport model of scrape-off-layer (SOL) and divertor plasmas. The integrated code reproduces a series of ELMs with the following characteristics. The ELM energy loss increases with decreasing collisionality and the ELM frequency increases linearly with the input power, as seen in experiments of type-I ELMs. A transport model with the neoclassical transport in the pedestal connected to the SOL parallel transport reproduces a lowered inter-ELM transport in the case of low collisionality so that the ELM loss power is enhanced as observed in experiments. The inter-ELM energy confinement time evaluated from simulation results agrees with the scaling based on the JT-60U data. The steep pressure gradient in the core just beyond the pedestal top, desirable for improved H-mode plasmas with the HH98y2 factor above unity, is found to enhance the ELM energy loss and reduce the ELM frequency so that the ELM loss power remains constant. The steep pressure gradient in the core beyond the pedestal top broadens eigenfunction profiles of unstable modes and possibly induces subsequent instabilities. In the subsequent instabilities, when a large energy is transported to the vicinity of the separatrix by the instabilities, a subsequent instability arises near the separatrix and makes an additional loss.

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