Design and Development of Antenna with Stabilization of Radiation Pattern and Wide-Band Characteristics for MIMO/LAN/Broadcast Operations

)=>?@ , ABC , DEFFGHI0J KLM NO. FDTD(Finite Difference Time Domain) PGM Q) KRSMNTU,  "VWXYZ[-\Z]^MNO. _C` , "[a0.839 bYc(S11-10 dB). DEFL "_%deV a-25dBGM"f9CNO.  "_gh i -Y.jTU, _[aFDTD ` k/%]l:mMNO. LMIMO, LAN, "#nn, DEFopq?]r9sO.AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new antenna, which has wide bandwidth, good radiation patterns, and high-gain characteristics. We analysis the antenna using FDTD(Finite Difference Time Domain) method. And the antenna parameters are optimized to get maximum bandwidth. From the measured results, the bandwidth of the antenna is 0.839 octave, for the S11-10 dB. And the measured cross polarization level of the proposed antenna is less than -25 dB at the center frequency. Experimental data of the return loss and the radiation pattern of the proposed antenna are also presented, and the experimental bandwidth characteristics are relatively in good agreement with the FDTD results. The proposed antenna can be applied to MIMO, LAN, biomedical instruments, broadcasting-network system.Keyword : Wideband, High-Gain, Antenna