Bothperceptually and statistically, compressed videowithlarge ordisordered motionissensitive toerrors. In this paper, wepropose anovelfasterror-resilient videocoding scheme, whichisbasedonsignificant macroblock (MB)deter- mination andprotection. Theschemetakes three impact factors (inter-block mode,motionvector difference andSAD value) to build astatistical model. Themodeltakes error concealment (EC) intoconsideration inadvance andgenerates several parameters forfurther significant degree (SD)evaluation forMBs.During encoding, we build anSD table foreachframebasedonthe parameters andpickupthoseMBs withthelargest SDvalues assignificant MBs (SMBs). Fewadditional computations are induced into SMBdetermination, thusmakeourschemepractical inrealtimevideocoding scenarios. Simulations showthatthe schemehasanacceptable SMB determination accuracy andthe corresponding protection methodcanprevent errors effectively.
Yao Wang,et al.
Multiple Description Coding for Video Delivery
Proceedings of the IEEE.
Jian Wang,et al.
Error-resilient region-of-interest video coding
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
Wen Gao,et al.
Improved error concealment algorithms based on H.264/AVC non-normative decoder
2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) (IEEE Cat. No.04TH8763).
Chia-Wen Lin,et al.
Error-resilient transcoding using adaptive intra refresh for video streaming
2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37512).