Tools for Teaching in an Educationally Mobile World

Section 1: Teaching across cultures: the issues and the context Chapter 1. Teaching educationally mobile students in times of change Chapter 2. The impact of educational mobility on teaching and learning Chapter 3. Teachers as mediators of educational diversity and pedagogic variation Chapter 4. Learning in English, teaching in English: the issues for teachers Chapter 5. 'This is your place, too': working towards inclusive teaching and learning Section 2: Developing students' skills for intercultural and communicative competence Chapter 6. Practical strategies for developing students' English language proficiency Chapter 7. Fostering and assessing students' intercultural competence Section 3: Intercultural teaching, learning and assessment issues Chapter 8. Designing programs and courses with an international perspective Chapter 9. Encouraging student participation in lectures Chapter 10. Encouraging participation in seminars, tutorials and in supervision Chapter 11. Managing assessed, collaborative group work involving diverse student groups Chapter 12. Assessing diverse students: an overview of the issues Chapter 13. Practical strategies for assessing diverse students and for making assessment accessible, authentic and sustainable References