Progress report and first results of new Super-ACO beamlines

A new instrumentation program was decided in 1996 to renew LURE's aging beamline equipment, and also get some experience in view of a new French synchrotron source. For the VUV and soft X-ray domain which are covered by the low energy machine Super-ACO, three new beamlines were scheduled over a three year period with a clear goal toward resolution. Two soft X-ray beamlines are equipped with grazing incidence monochromators, a spherical grating monochromator (SGM) and a plane grating monochromator; a VUV beamline will use an off-plane Eagle normal incidence monochromator. The particular features of each beamline are described. Some emphasis is given to the design, construction and alignment principles which have been followed to the insure an optical quality. A status of the program advance is given. Results from the already commissioned SGM beamline are reported.