Endosperm-preferred Expression of Maize Genes as Revealed by Transcriptome-wide Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags

The transcriptome-wide endosperm-preferred expression of maize genes was addressed by analyzing a large database of expressed sequence tags (ESTs). We generated 30,531 high quality sequence-reads from the 5′-ends of cDNA libraries from maize endosperm harvested at 10, 15, and 20 days after pollination. A further 196,900 maize sequence-reads retrieved from public databases were added to this endosperm collection to generate MAIZEST, a database with tools for data storage and analysis. MAIZEST contains 227,431 ESTs, one third of which represents developing endosperm and the remaining two-thirds represent transcripts from 49 cDNA libraries constructed from different organs and tissues. Assembling the MAIZEST ESTs generated 29,206 putative transcripts, of which a set of 4032 assembled sequences was composed exclusively of sequences derived from endosperm cDNA libraries. After sequence analysis using overlapping parameters, a sub-set of 2403 assembled sequences was functionally annotated and revealed a wide variety of putative new genes involved in endosperm development and metabolism.

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