Model-assisted double dipole decomposition

Double dipole processes in general have been considered for full Manhattan design styles. However, with the assistance of current model-based OPC tools and high-resolution optical systems, it is possible to analyze the requirements for all angle designs. When angled features present in the design layout are located in regions where only connectivity and not CD control is critical, the method generates an acceptable solution for a given set of optical conditions. The present methodology investigates the use of selective edge biases for clear-field double dipole decomposition. Such an approach is based on the double exposure nature of the method. In full Manhattan designs, two different contrast values are associated to every edge, and in general one is higher than the other. On the contrary, angled edges may have the same contrast depending on the shape of the pupil and local proximity environment. This method maximizes the overall contrast of the layout by creating selective feature biases. These biases are placed in the non-optimal optical direction and protect the regions that have a higher contrast in the complementary dipole direction. The initial decomposition generates two masks in which a maximum global contrast function is maximized. This initial decomposition is later fed to a two-layer model based correction. The final result is analyzed in terms of contrast, pattern fidelity and focus dependence in order to determine the feasibility of printing Manhattan and angled features using a double dipole approach for sub 100 nm processes.