Utilisation of EU Employment Data in Lecturing Data Mining Course

This article describes the utilisation of Eurostat employment data in the Data Mining course. The course is the obligatory course for a master degree Geoinformatics and Cartograhy study program at Palacký University in Olomouc. The article shows an example of the implementation of several methods like correlation, principal components analysis, k-means and hierarchical clustering on the same dataset in the course’s teaching. The processing data in the Orange software and following interpretation of results gained by these methods are explained to students. Moreover, students create the MS PowerBI dashboard based on the same data. Teacher final finding is that the use of the current European data is for students more illustrative and increases their awareness of the status of employment in European countries within economic activities categorised by NACE. Practical processing of real data brings a deeper understanding of the lectured topics. Presented outputs, such as clustering, discover similar countries according to the same sector of employment.