Thermal analysis of an internally-cooled metal-cutting tool
Abstract A method is presented for determining the temperature distributions at the tool-chip interface and at the tool-work interface of a single-point cutting tool. The method is used for both uncooled and internally-cooled orthogonal cutting tools under conditions ranging from the case when the tool has no wear on the flank surface to the case when the tool has a relatively large amount of flank wear. The mathematical model uses superposition of heat sources along the tool-chip interface to simulate the frictional heat generation. A similar distribution of heat sinks in the body of the tool produces a constant temperature surface at the underside of the cutting insert. This represents conditions found in internally-cooled tools where the heat removal process is sufficient to maintain a nearly uniform temperature along that surface. Results of the analyses demonstrate that the internal cooling process will result in significant temperature reductions along the rake face and along the flank face of the tool in a large number of cutting operations.
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