Information Systems Quality versus Software Quality 2. Information Systems Quality and Software Quality Need Different Management Strategies -why ?

The differences between software quality and information systems quality are discussed from three different viewpoints managerial, organisational, and engineering. The objective is to highlight the true meaning of information systems quality (ISQ) by considering its role in organisations and by comparing it with software quality (SWQ). An understanding of the relationship between software quality and information systems and their mutual influences is expected to help develop quality improvement programs. The paper is based on interview material provided by three experienced researchers in the field of computing and information technology (IT), each representing his own perspective on information and software systems which reflect the background and current position in academia. The initial set of questions used in the research for this paper was formulated by the information systems research team lead by professor Trevor Wood-Harper from Salford University. The organisational viewpoint is represented by Burt Swanson, professor in information systems from the UCLA, the managerial viewpoint is represented by Niv Ahituv, professor in information technology management from Tel Aviv University, and the engineering viewpoint is represented by Aimo Törn, professor in computer science from Åbo Akademi University. The interview material has been collected during a number of seminars organised by the SOLE research project (Eriksson & Törn, 1990) on managing information systems quality.