Pulse- and field-resolved THz-diagnostics at 4 t h generation lightsources.

Multi-color pump-probe techniques utilizing modern accelerator-based 4th generation light sources such as X-ray free electron lasers or superradiant THz facilities have become important science drivers over the past 10 years. In this type of experiments the precise knowledge of the properties of the involved accelerator-based light pulses crucially determines the achievable sensitivity and temporal resolution. In this work we demonstrate and discuss the powerful role pulse- and field-resolved- detection of superradiant THz pulses can play for improving the precision of THz pump - femtosecond laser probe experiments at superradiant THz facilities in particular and at 4th generation light sources in general. The developed diagnostic scheme provides real-time information on the properties of individual pulses from multiple accelerator based THz sources and opens a robust way for sub femtosecond timing. Correlations between amplitude and phase of the pulses emitted from different superradiant THz sources furthermore provide insides into the properties of the driving electron bunches and is of general interest for the ultra-fast diagnostics at 4th generation light sources.

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