Reading East Asian Writing : The Limits of Literary Theory
1.Rey Chow Fateful Attachments: On Collecting, Fidelity and Lao She 2. Haruo Shirane Canon Formation in Japan: Genre, Gender, Population Culture and Nationalism 3. Haun Saussy La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute: The Surprises of Applied Structuralism 4. Hilary Chung Kristeven (Mis)understandings: Writing in the Feminine 5. Rein Raud The Heian Literary System: A Tentative Model 6. Bernhard Fuehrer Did the Master Instruct his Followers to Attack Heretics? A Note on Readings of Lunyu 2.1 7. Michel Viellard-Baron The Power of Words: Forging Fujiwara no Teika's Poetic Theory. A Philological Approach to Japanese Poetics 8. Daria Berg What the Messenger of Souls Has to Say: New Historicism and the Poetics of Chinese Culture 9. Ivo Smits Places of Meditation: Poets and Salons in Medieval Japan