Focusing on the major function‐oriented zone: A new spatial planning approach and practice in China and its 12th Five‐Year Plan 关注主体功能区——中国“十二五规划”新的空间规划探索与实践

Abstract For a long time, China has been focusing primarily on pursuing economic growth, with less concern about social and environmental development issues. This may make China's development unsustainable. In contrast to its current economic-oriented approach predominated by economic growth, this research note presents a newly proposed approach of ‘major function-oriented zone’ (MFOZ) that is designed by our research team and is largely accepted by the central government and incorporated into its 12th Five-Year Plan. This approach tries to rationalise China's regional development and insists that each region should have its unique functions to perform, determined by its own characteristics, conditions and requirements. With this approach, the central government is able to monitor and coordinate regional and local developments, and hence the ‘Planning of MFOZ’ is seen by the central government as a tool to steer spatial arrangements for the country's long-turn sustainable development. 摘要 长期以来,中国各地都着力于追求快速经济增长,较少关注社会发展和生态保护等问题,这种发展模式是不可持续的。本研究团队提出按照功能区进行国土空间组织,即不同地区应分别承担人口和工业化集聚、粮食安全保障、生态屏障建设等不同功能,实施差异化的发展模式。政策建议得到中央政府认可,主体功能区在“十二五”规划中上升为区域发展战略。本文在介绍主体功能区形成背景和研究框架基础上,对该团队在过去5年中所开展的研究工作进行阐释。包括发展类和保护类主体功能区分类、地域功能识别指标体系构成和内涵、采用单项指标评价和综合指标评价国土空间功能适宜性的缘由及结果、空间综合分析方法和主体功能区草案的研制等。最后简析主体功能区规划和战略实施的制度障碍,提出开展对主体功能区实施情况动态监测和评估的新研究命题。