A computer program has been developed to explore and optimize different configurations in a particular class of wood sctslptmes cseated by Brent Cotlins. These sculptures can be understood geometrically as rings of saddle surfaces resulting from a tomidal warping of a truncated section of a Scherk minimat surface. Experimenting with dtierent values for the number of holes, the amount of twis~ and for several other parameters of these virtual sculpturescan be done at interactive speeds and may result in more optimized solutions than if each prototype would have to be built from physical matter. l%e &st solution found is sliced into final construction blue-prints which saves the sculptor severat weeks of labor needed to build a physical prototype. The collaboration with Brent Collins has aheady resulted its several intriguing new wood sculptures. Categories and Subject Deacriptorw 1.3 [Computer Graphics]: 1.3.5 [computational Geometry and Object Modeling]: Modeling packages; 1.3.6 ~ethodology and Techniques]: Interaction Techniques. AdditionalKeyword.wvirtual prototyping, interactive sculpting.
H. Scherk.
Bemerkungen über die kleinste Fläche innerhalb gegebener Grenzen.
C. Costa.
Example of a complete minimal immersion in IR3 of genus one and three-embedded ends
H. Karcher,et al.
Complete embedded minimal surfaces of finite total curvature
David Hoffman,et al.
The computer-aided discovery of new embedded minimal surfaces
Michael J. Callahan,et al.
Computer graphics tools for the study of minimal surfaces
Paul F. Jacobs,et al.
Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing: Fundamentals of Stereolithography
George K. Francis,et al.
On Knot-Spanning Surfaces: An Illustrated Essay on Topological Art
Stewart Dickson,et al.
True 3D Computer Modeling: Sculpture of Numerical Abstraction
Helaman Ferguson.
Computer interactive sculpture
I3D '92.
B. Collins.
Evolving an Aesthetic of Surface Economy in Sculpture