Report of the Journal Editor

This report is a compilation of activity and statistics for the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education for 2006 (Volume 70). The Journal was published in electronic format at A print edition of the full volume was also produced and sent to all AACP member institutions and paid subscribers. Six issues were published in 2006 plus supplementary material. Two supplements were published, one on Community Pharmacy and one on Nonprescription Medications and Self-Care. One of the objectives for these supplements is to serve as useful materials for practice-based faculty and for adjunct clinical faculty and preceptors. Community pharmacy continues to be the primary employment of our graduates and the Journal has an obligation to support instruction in this area. In a typical month, there are approximately 20,000 visitors to the Journal web site at The Journal began submission of content to PubMed This year, and Journal content is now available on Medline. Open access availability and coverage by Medline has led to an increased number of international submissions. Five new Editorial Board members were appointed in 2006, Bradley Boucher (Tennessee-Memphis), Sudip Das (Butler), Wendy Duncan-Hewitt (St. Louis), Jeffrey Delafuente (Virginia Commonwealth), and JoLaine Draugalis (Oklahoma). Patrick Davis (Texas) and Gary DeLander (Oregon) were reappointed to the Board. Eighty-seven peer-reviewed manuscripts were published in Volume 70 along with a large number of Viewpoints, Addresses, Reports, Statements, Book Reviews, and other material (Table ​(Table1).1). One hundred and sixty-six manuscripts were submitted to the Journal in 2006, an increase of 18% from the previous year. Of these, 53% were accepted for publication. Almost 200 individuals served as manuscript and book reviewers in 2006. Table 1 Journal activity in 2006 Each year the best paper published in the Journal is recognized with the Rufus A. Lyman Award. Rufus A. Lyman was the first Editor of the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Papers are selected based on utility and significance to pharmacy education, originality, research methodology, and writing style. The Lyman Award Committee, which is appointed by the President and chaired by the Editor, selected the top paper. From volume 70, 16 papers were nominated for the Lyman Award and the paper selected was “Development of an Instrument to Measure Professionalism” by Marie A. Chisholm, Henry Cobb, Lori Duke, Charles McDuffie and William K. Kennedy, from the University of Georgia. The Editor is indebted to the Associate Editors Gayle Brazeau and Jack Fincham and Assistant Editor Karen Shipp, Editorial Board Members, the manuscript and book reviewers, and the AACP Board of Directors and staff for their continued efforts and support. The success of the Journal is dependent on the diligent and dedicated efforts of these individuals.