Demonstration of a 10 V programmable Josephson voltage standard system based on a multi-chip technique

We have demonstrated a programmable Josephson voltage standard (PJVS) operation up to 10.84 V using a multi-chip technique. We combined two PJVS chips fabricated using NbN/(TiNx/NbN)2 junction technology. Each PJVS chip was mounted on a single chip carrier using bonding wire, and the two chip carriers were connected by a simple Cu lead wire, and mounted on a cryocooler. High-precision measurements confirmed flat voltage steps for all 22 cells, with a peak-to-peak variation of 100 nV and wide margins of at least 0.35 mA. We also confirmed the stability of the voltage steps in spite of a temperature and RF frequency variation of ± 0.1 K and ± 0.1 GHz, respectively.