전북지역 소규모 하수,오수 처리시설 개선방안

The study is focused on reviewing about suitability evaluation of collection of small scale sewage treatment, and solve their problem. It is that as collection method, collect tank of gathering sewage is conducted and sewage is carried to around sewage treatment facility or collect pipe using collect carts periodically. Collect treatment project has application to some areas as like park, an amusement park and playground which produces sewage occasionally. The object of primary collect study is the upper stream of water resource, national park and purity region urgently. But, as a result of a spot inspection, we were selected 4 sites, Ju-Cheon, Bu-Gi, Bu-Nam and Sung-Su region that these places are unable to establish small sewage facilities. Evaluation was conducted with construction cost of facilities and collect pipe, maintenance cost. Comparison with sewage treatment facility, collect treatment project proper small sewage. It is suggested that its capacity of small sewage facility is under 100ton/day, collect distance is under 25~30km. It is suggested that collection for small scale sewage treatment has an adapt possibility not only Yong-Dam dam region but also other regions. Also, in order to carry out collection for small scale sewage, it is need that a legal basis.