A CBP Integrator Complex Mediates Transcriptional Activation and AP-1 Inhibition by Nuclear Receptors

Nuclear receptors regulate gene expression by direct activation of target genes and inhibition of AP-1. Here we report that, unexpectedly, activation by nuclear receptors requires the actions of CREB-binding protein (CBP) and that inhibition of AP-1 activity is the apparent result of competition for limiting amounts of CBP/p300 in cells. Utilizing distinct domains, CBP directly interacts with the ligand-binding domain of multiple nuclear receptors and with the p160 nuclear receptor coactivators, which upon cloning have proven to be variants of the SRC-1 protein. Because CBP represents a common factor, required in addition to distinct coactivators for function of nuclear receptors, CREB, and AP-1, we suggest that CBP/p300 serves as an integrator of multiple signal transduction pathways within the nucleus.

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