An optimal washout filter based on genetic algorithm compensators for improving simulator driver perception

A simulator motion platform cannot exactly reproduce the longitudinal and rotational motionsexperienced in a real vehicle as it is constrained by its physical limits. The aim of this research is to provide anoptimal Motion Cueing Algorithm (MCA) that can generate the most realistic motions and high fidelity vehicleaccelerations and angular velocities, within the simulator’s physical limitations. The optimal washout filter basedon Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), which takes the recent vestibular system mathematical model andsimulator motion in to account, has been proposed to constrain the human perception error between the simulatorand real driving, within the limits of the platform motion. This paper presents a new strategy based on optimalcontrol theory and the Genetic Algorithm (GA) to reproduce a signal that can closely follow the reference signaland avoid false motion cues. An optimization method for adjusting the obtained optimal washout filter transferfunctions, based on genetic algorithms is used. Three additional compensatory linear blocks are integrated intothe LQR-based optimal washout filter, to be tuned based on GA in order to modify the performance of the filtersand minimize the fitness value if increasing the order is required. This is achieved by taking a series of factorsinto account, including: the vestibular sensation error between real and simulated cases; the human thresholdlimiter in tilt coordination; the human sensation error fluctuation; and cross correlation coefficient; where the effectsof these aspects have been previously ignored. The proposed optimized motion cueing algorithm based oncompensators using GA is implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink software packages. The results show thesuperiority of the proposed method due to its better increased performance, enhanced motion fidelity, improvedhuman sensation, and reduced workspace usage compared to previous optimal washout filters.