CESGA is operating a totally virtualized grid infrastructure that supports several production sites for different grid projects (EGEE, EELA, int.eu.grid (I2G), Ibergrid, and other regional grid projects) as well as several development sites created on demand to test new middleware releases both for EGEE certification and pre-production activities. The final architecture that results from several years of development is described showing how to apply modern virtualization solutions like Xen hypervisor to migrate from an entire physical cluster to virtual machines. Thanks to a collaboration with FORMIGA's project the infrastructure also includes resources from computer labs. Worker Node VMs are automatically started following a pre-defined schedule that guarantees that the computers are not in use. Extensive benchmarks, including two of the most used applications at our supercomputing center, have been performed to quantify the performance loss of the virtual infrastructure. Currently cloud computing technologies are being explored as a way to improve the service deployment process in our platform.
Gerrit Groenhof,et al.
GROMACS: Fast, flexible, and free
J. Comput. Chem..
Edward Walker,et al.
Benchmarking Amazon EC2 for High-Performance Scientific Computing
login Usenix Mag..
W. Levelt.
Table of contents III
Alexei Bavelski.
On the Performance of the Solaris Operating System under the Xen Security-enabled Hypervisor
David P. Anderson,et al.
BOINC: a system for public-resource computing and storage
Fifth IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing.
Wei Huang,et al.
High performance virtual machine migration with RDMA over modern interconnects
2007 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing.
Wei Huang,et al.
High performance network i/o in virtual machines over modern interconnects