The Answer is at your Fingertips: Improving Passage Retrieval for Web Question Answering with Search Behavior Data

Passage retrieval is a crucial first step of automatic Question Answering (QA). While existing passage retrieval algorithms are effective at selecting document passages most similar to the question, or those that contain the expected answer types, they do not take into account which parts of the document the searchers actually found useful. We propose, to the best of our knowledge, the first successful attempt to incorporate searcher examination data into passage retrieval for question answering. Specifically, we exploit detailed examination data, such as mouse cursor movements and scrolling, to infer the parts of the document the searcher found interesting, and then incorporate this signal into passage retrieval for QA. Our extensive experiments and analysis demonstrate that our method significantly improves passage retrieval, compared to using textual features alone. As an additional contribution, we make available to the research community the code and the search behavior data used in this study, with the hope of encouraging further research in this area.

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