Study on Energy Consumptions for The Commercial Buildings Using Energyplus

This paper presents the results of simulation for commercial building using Energyplus program and ASHREA database. The study is concerned on the factors that can enhance the energy efficiency in the existed building where there are a limited possibility in comparison with the new buildings. The construction of the building has been drawn in Sketch up 8 and the calculation has been made in energyplus however the communication between them has been accomplished using legacy open studio. The ASHREA database used in this paper is related to Kuala Lumpur region where there is no database for Johor in such organization. Three factors has been studied now: increasing of daylight control sensors, increasing the cover shadow of windows, effect of presence of trees infront of the buildings. The results show that there are a significant effects to the total energy used in the building with improving the above factors and therefore the energy efficiency is increased.