Large diverticulum of the urinary bladder: A rare cause of deep vein thrombosis with consecutive pulmonary embolism.

A 73-year-old man was admitted with progressive dyspnea; he also had benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). An angio computed tomography scan showed pulmonary embolism with thrombi in both main pulmonary arteries. By duplex ultrasonography, we detected a thrombus in the right vena femoralis superficialis and vena femoralis communis. Simultaneously, we also noticed a large diverticulum on the right side of the urinary bladder and urinary stasis II of the left kidney. We consider the BPH as the trigger for a secondary diverticulum of the urinary bladder. As a result of its large dimensions, mechanical compression of the deep right pelvic veins resulted in thrombosis which finally caused the pulmonary embolism. With respect to the urinary stasis II, surgical excavation of the diverticulum with infravesical desobstruction was planned. The potentially lethal course of large diverticula may require surgery.