On Locality of Dominating Set in ad hoc Networks with Switch-On/Off Operations

Efficient routing among a set of mobile hosts is one of the most important functions in ad hoc wireless networks. Routing based on a connected dominating set is a promising approach, where the search space for a route is reduced to the hosts in the set. A set is dominating if all the hosts in the system are either in the system are either in the set or neighbors of hosts in the set. In this paper, we first review a distributed formation of a connected dominating set called marking process and dominating-set-based routing. Then we propose several ways to reduce the size of the dominating set and study the locality of dominating set and study the locality of dominating set in ad hoc wireless networks with switch-on/off operations. Results show that the dominating set derived from the marking process exhibits good locality properties; i.e., the change of a host status, gateway (dominating) or non-gateway (dominated), affects only the status of hosts in a restricted vicinity. In addition, locality of host status updated is also verified through simulation.

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