대형 선박엔진 크랭크샤프트 가공용 복합가공기 기술 개발
A multi-tasking machine tool for large scale marine engine crankshafts has been developed together with design technologies for its special devices. Since work pieces, that is, crankshafts to be machined are big and heavy; weight of over 100 tons, length of 10 m long, and diameter of over 3.5 m, several special purpose core devices are necessarily developed such as PTD (Pin Turning Device) for machining eccentric pin parts, face place and steady rest for chucking and resting heavy work pieces. PTD is a unique special purpose device of open-and-close ring typed structure equipped with revolving ring spindle for machining eccentric pins apart from journal. In order to achieve high rigidity of the machine tool, structural design optimization using TMSA (Taguch Method based Sequential Algorithm) has been completed with FEM structural analysis, and a hydrostatic bearing system for the PTD has been developed with theoretical hydrostatic analysis.