Prestress losses in in-service bridge beams and refinement of prediction methods, 1975?

l. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Scope and Objectives 1.3 Summary of Project Work 1.4 Definitions 1.5 Units 2 • EXPERIMENTAL BRIDGE 2.1 General Description 2.2 Design, Fabrication and Erection 2.3 Instrumentation and Testing 2.4 Material· Properties 3. ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 3.1 Short-Term Observations 3.2 Long Term Observations 3.2.1 Reduction of Concrete Strain Data 3.2.2 Strains VB. Time 3.2.3 Indoor VB. Outdoors 3.2.4 Strain Distribution 4. EVALUATION AND MODIFICATION OF PREDICTION PROCEDURE 4.1 The Prediction Method