Design of a Next-Generation Library Catalogue using Web 2.0 Technologies and Faceted Navigation.

The latest generation of online library catalogues are also referred as OPAC 2.0 since it incorporates Web 2.0 technologies. Web 2.0 can be seen as the second generation of internet which offers many tools and techniques for creating user centred applications aimed at collaboration on web. OPAC 2.0 solutions are designed keeping in mind the user expectations in the social networking landscape. Faceted navigation is a well known technique for knowledge discovery by way of exploring and refining information base. A next-generation online library catalogue is different from traditional catalogues in terms of their usage of faceted navigation and web 2.0 technologies such as tagging, reviewing, rating and relevance ranking. Integration of these features into the library catalogue could transform the user experience and thus enhances the library services. This paper presents an overview of practical experiences of designing a new user interface for the CFTRI library OPAC utilizing the potential features of web 2.0 technologies and faceted navigation. It briefly explains the limitations of current system and evaluates the benefits of integrating these technologies. Emerging OPAC technologies are also highlighted.