Middle Atmosphere Reference Model Derived from Satellite Data

Zonally averaged temperature and geostrophic zonal wind for each month and for latitudes from 80 S to 80 N with pressure scale height as a vertical coordinate are given tabular form. The pressure scale height is defined as -ln (p/P sub O) where p is pressure and P sub O is surface pressure. The height interval corresponding to one pressure scale height is proportional to absolute temperature, and is 7 km at 240 K. Values in are given at intervals of 0.5 pressure scale heights, i.e., approximately 3,5 km. The geopotential height fields for the principal seasons are given. Temperature, pressure and density with geometric height as the vertical coordinate at invervals of 5 km. The temperature values were obtained from a combination of satellite data above 30 mb with values supplied by the Berlin Free University at 30 mb and the climatology derived by OORT (1983) for 50 mb and below. The geopotential height fields were obtained from these temperature fields by integrating up and down from the 30 mb geopotential height supplied by Berlin Free University. The geostrophic winds were obtained by differentiating these geopotential height fields.