Grande Progetto Pompei: la Direzione Generale per le Antichità e il piano della conoscenza.

In relation to the project approved by the European Commission, the Direzione Generale per le Antichità has been charged with the responsibility of implementing the “Knowledge Plan” in accordance with the “Cabina di Regia” of the Consiglio Superiore per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici guidelines. A working group, composed of archaeologists from MiBACT in cooperation with informatics experts, was therefore established with the objective of creating a “logic system” capable of gathering and managing all information pertaining to the Pompeii area. The research and analysis have culminated in the project currently presented, and is the realization of an informatics system that integrates technical-descriptive with geographical and cartographical data, permitting the analysis of all the archaeological and architectural components of the ancient City. The project has enabled an evaluation of the state of preservation and deterioration factors, with the object of implementing a programmed conservation with periodic inspections and interventions that are not solely based on emergency factors.