Sound patterns in interaction : cross-linguistic studies from conversation

1. List of contributors 2. Introduction 3. Conversation and phonetics: Essential connections (by Ford, Cecilia E.) 4. Practices and resources for turn transition 5. Non-modal voice quality and turn-taking in Finnish (by Ogden, Richard) 6. Prosody for making transition-relevance places in Japanese conversation: The case of turns unmarked by utterance-final objects (by Tanaka, Hiroko) 7. Turn-final intonation in English (by Szczepek Reed, Beatrice) 8. Prosodic resources, turn-taking and overlap in children's talk-in-interaction (by Wells, Bill) 9. Projecting and expanding turns 10. On some interactional and phonetic properties of increments to turns in talk-in-interaction (by Walker, Gareth) 11. Prolixity as adaptation: Prosody and turn-taking in German conversation with a fluent aphasic (by Auer, Peter) 12. The 'upward' staircase intonation contour in the Berlin vernacular: An example of the analysis of regionalized intonation as an interactional resource (by Selting, Margret) 13. "Getting past no": Sequence, action and sound production in the projection of no-initiated turns (by Ford, Cecilia E.) 14. Connecting actions across turns 15. 'Repetition' repairs: The relationship of phonetic structure and sequence organization (by Walker, Traci) 16. Indexing 'no news' with stylization in Finnish (by Ogden, Richard) 17. Prosody and sequence organization in English conversation: The case of new beginnings (by Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth) 18. Getting back to prior talk: and-uh (m) as a back-connecting device in British and American English (by Local, John) 19. Index