New Fast Dither System for PEP-II

The PEP-II B-Factory uses multiple feedback systems to stabilize the orbits of its stored beams and to optimize their performance in collision (1). This paper describes an upgrade to the feedback system responsible for optimizing the overlap of colliding beams at the interaction point (IP). The effort was motivated by a desire to shorten the response time of the feedback, particularly in the context of machine-tuning tasks. We describe the original feedback system, the design for the new one, and give a status report on the installation. IP FEEDBACK SYSTEM The IP feedback system uses corrector magnets and a luminosity signal to optimize the overlap of colliding beams at the interaction point. The luminosity signal comes from a zero-angle radiative-Bhabha detector situated about nine meters from the IP. One beam, the low-energy positron beam, is steered through the IP to maximize the signal from the detector. The other beam, the high-energy electron beam (HEB), is driven with small dither motions to allow luminosity detection of best beam overlap. The dither and applied corrections occur in three directions: horizontal, vertical, and vertical angle. The original system and new design differ in the following ways.