대학야구에서 알루미늄 배트와 나무 배트 사용 시 경기력 비교

The purpose of this study was to compare result of game between aluminum bat and wood bats in baseball games. The data of this study were records of the aluminum bat 1999 it uses and the wood bat it uses 2000, 2001 from collegiate baseball games. The variables of this study were runs, singles, doubles, triples, home runs, slugging percentage, opponents batting average, batters faced, innings pitched per team, and time per game from, 1999, 2000, 2001 seasons. Statistical analysis of this study was one way ANOVA. The conclusions are the following: 1. The run per team of the year which is used in aluminum bat was higher than that used in wood bat. 2. Except of triple, the hits per team of the year which is used in aluminum bat were more than that used in wood bat. 3. The slugging percentage and opponents batting average per team of the year which is used in aluminum bat were higher than that used in wood bat. 4. The innings pitched and batters faced per team of the year which is used in aluminum bat were higher than that used in wood bat. 5. The time per game of the year which is used in aluminum bat was longer than that used in wood bat.