Fishing for biomarkers: analyzing mass spectrometry data with the new ClinProTools software.

Recently, applications of mass spectrometry in the field of clinical proteomics have gained tremendous visibility in the scientific and clinical community. One major objective is the search for potential biomarkers in complex body fluids like serum, plasma, urine, saliva, or cerebral spinal fluid. For this purpose, efficient visualization of large data sets derived from patient cohorts is crucial to provide clinical experts an interactive impression of the data quality. Additionally, it is necessary to apply statistical analysis and pattern matching algorithms to attain validated signal patterns that may allow for later applications in sample classification. We introduce the new ClinProTools bioinformatics software, which performs all major steps of profiling, screening, and monitoring applications in clinical proteomics. ClinProTools is the data interpretation software of the mass spectrometry-based ClinProt solutions for biomarker analysis. ClinProTools performs data pretreatment, visualization, statistics, pattern determination, pattern evaluation, and classification of spectra. This article will focus on ClinProTool's powerful and intuitive visualization options for clinical proteomics applications.