Model Transformation and Model Integration
In this chapter, we describe the formal framework for model transformation and model integration based on triple graph grammars. For this purpose, we use triple graph transformation systems as introduced in Chap. 3 and show in Sect. 7.1 that they instantiate the general framework of \(\mathcal{M}\)-adhesive transformation systems presented in Chap. 5. This ensures that all results for \(\mathcal{M}\)-adhesive transformation systems hold for the specific case of triple graph transformation systems. A triple graph grammar is a constructive specification of a language of integrated models, which are specified by their underlying abstract syntax graphs. Based on this general concept, we first derive a transformation system for forward model transformations, which are defined in Sect. 7.3. In Sect. 7.4, we introduce forward translation rules as an alternative to forward rules and show the equivalence of model transformations based on either forward or forward translation rules. The concept of forward translation rules simplifies the control mechanism for executing model transformations.