SOLEIL Operation and On-going Projects

The 2.75 GeV synchrotron light source SOLEIL delivers photons to 27 beamlines; 2 new ones are under construction together with the FEMTOSLICING project of which commissioning started in January 2014. Five filling patterns are available for the users in Top-up injection mode. The storage ring is running with an upgraded optics less sensitive to insertion device (ID) configurations and giving both better beam lifetime and injection efficiency. The beam position stability remains excellent with a focus on electron vertical beam-size stability for the new very long beamlines. A gating system during Top-up injection improves significantly the quality of the spectrum on an infrared beamline. Several heavy actions of maintenance and upgrades on crucial subsystem equipment are underway. Others accelerator projects are going on such as the design and construction of new IDs, new Multipole Injection Kicker, radiation damage studies as well as R&D on solid-state amplifiers.