The Denoising of Desert Seismic Data Based on Cycle-GAN With Unpaired Data Training
The seismic data with high quality are the essential foundation of imaging and interpretation. However, the real seismic data are inevitably contaminated by noise, which affects the subsequent processing and interpretation of seismic data. In desert seismic data, the energy of noise is stronger. Also, the frequency-band overlap between noise and effective signals is more serious. Recently, some methods based on supervised learning can suppress the desert seismic noise to some extent. Generally, supervised learning-based methods use synthetic noisy data and paired pure data as training sets to train model. However, the difference between synthetic noisy data of training and real seismic data of testing leads to the degradation of the model, and the denoising results often have many false seismic events when dealing with field seismic data. To solve the above problem, we introduce Cycle-generative adversarial networks (GANs) into the denoising of desert seismic records. Cycle-GAN is an unsupervised learning-based method. It can learn the domain mapping from noisy data domain to effective signal data domain through unpaired data training. So we use unpaired real desert common-shot-point data and synthetic pure data to train Cycle-GAN, so as to effectively improve the denoising ability of the method for real seismic data. Finally, the denoising of desert seismic data is realized. The experiment shows that the Cycle-GAN with unpaired data training can effectively suppress desert seismic noise and retain the effective signal amplitude. Also, the denoising result has less false seismic reflection.