3D worlds for edutainment: educational, relational and organizational principles

Can 3D graphics convey robust cultural value in an effective, engaging way? Can virtual worlds be a magic place where intercultural exchange with remote peers takes place? Can difficult students be "rescued" by unusual learning activities supported by technologies? Can teachers play a fundamental facilitating role while using advanced e-learning tools? The paper presents the educational impact of SEE, Shrine Educational Experience - a joint cooperation between Politecnico di Milano and the Israel Museum. SEE is a 3D world shared over the Internet where students from all over the world meet to learn and play, tackling cultural topics related to the Dead Sea scroll. SEE underwent a successful evaluation between November 2002 and May 2004, involving over 1500 participants from Europe and Israel. The paper discusses the educational, relational and organizational principles that were crucial for the success of this pervasive e-learning experience.