Simulación y animación por ordenador de la formación y propagación de grietas en polímeros líquido-cristalinos
We have used computer simulations to study the phenomena of crack formation and propagation in two-phase polymeric materials. The simulated materials are subjected to constant-force tensile stress resulting in deformation. We use computer graphics to create animations of the cracking phenomena. The key question we are trying to answer is where the cracks form: inside the flexible matrix, inside the rigid phase, or at the interface -and if so on which side. Computer simulations provide answers to this and other questions which cannot be answered by conducting experiments. We have established that the probability of a crack initiation site goes symbatically with the local LC concentration. The first small crack is sometimes a part of the path through which the material breaks; however, several small cracks may evolve at first, but then some of these never evolve into larger cracks since crack arrest occurs. The results obtained guide us in the creation of real materials with improved mechanical properties.