Implementing Ada tasking in a multiprocessing, multithreaded UNIX environment
The Ada language was introduced in the early 80s to reduce software development and maintenance costs, improve softwiue reusability, and provide a standard language to support real-time and multiprocessing system development. The language was primarily intended for time-critical embedded military computer applications, aithough it is also a generaiPLUPO* lan~e supporting systems and applications programming, scientiilc programmingg, and commercial mltime system programming. Recent mandates have strengthened the U.S. Government commitment to the Ada language. P.L 101-511 (Nov. ’90) says that as of July 1991, aii DoD software shaii be written in Ada, except as waived by the secretary of Defense or his representative. NASA is using Ada for most new mission-critical applications and the standard language for ATC applications, such as AAS, etc., is Ada. In addition, the use of Ada is growing in the non-govermnent sector. The increasing use of Ada for reai-dme systems makes it extremely important to have efficient implementations of the language.
[1] Grady Booch,et al. Software engineering with Ada , 1983 .
[2] Bill O. Gallmeister. Reconciling UNIX, Ada, and real-time processing , 1991 .