0 → Ps → · · · → Pi → 0 where each Pi is a finitely generated projective R-module. Let P the full subcategory of D consisting of complexes isomorphic to perfect complexes. These are precisely the compact objects, also called small objects, in D. These notes are an abstract of two lectures I gave at the workshop. The main goal of the lectures was to present various proofs of a theorem of Hopkins [7] and Neeman [8], Theorem 1 below, that classifies the thick subcategories of P, and to discuss results from [5], which is inspired by this circle of ideas. As usual Spec R denotes the set of prime ideals in R with the Zariski topology; thus, the closed subsets are precisely the subsets Var(I) = {p ⊇ I |p ∈ Spec R}, where I is an ideal in R. A subset V of Spec R is specialization closed if it is a (possibly infinite) union of closed subsets; in other words, if p and q are prime ideals such that p is in V and q ⊇ p, then q is in V . For a prime ideal p, we write k(p) for Rp/pRp, the residue field of R at p. The support of a complex of R-modules M is the set of prime ideals
Julia Collins,et al.
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Cohomology. (MN-34), Volume 34.
W. Dwyer,et al.
Duality in algebra and topology
W. Dwyer,et al.
Finiteness in derived categories of local rings
S. Iyengar,et al.
Depth and amplitude for unbounded complexes
W. Dwyer,et al.
Complete modules and torsion modules
R. Thomason.
The classification of triangulated subcategories
Compositio Mathematica.
A. Neeman,et al.
The chromatic tower for D(R)
A. Neeman.
The connection between the K-theory localization theorem of Thomason, Trobaugh and Yao and the smashing subcategories of Bousfield and Ravenel