Abstract : The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is currently removing, or will be removing, munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) from millions of acres of land and sea. The DoD has established and continues to improve the full process of transferring military land for public use. As a part of this continued improvement and to provide greater confidence that the MEC threat was removed in accordance with established quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) standards, the DoD incorporated a verification procedure to be employed after all the remediation work is completed. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has developed a statistical sampling and analysis software, Visual Sample Plan (VSP), which facilitates verification sampling approaches to validate MEC site remediation. This report summaries the objectives and results of a demonstration of these postremediation verification (PRV) methods in VSP during an actual remediation verification process on the South Tract (approximately 157 acres) of the Navy/Denver Research Institute (DRI) Site located just east of Denver, Colorado. The primary objectives of this demonstration were to evaluate, illustrate, and determine acceptability of the VSP-PRV sampling methodology as it is applied to possible application scenarios.
Richard O. Gilbert,et al.
Evaluation of spatially clustered ordnance when using compliance sampling surveys after clean-up at military training sites
Nicholas L. Squeglia,et al.
Zero Acceptance Number Sampling Plans
Theresa L. Utlaut.
Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control, 2nd edition
J. L. Jaech,et al.
Statistical methods in nuclear material control
Edward G. Schilling,et al.
A Lot Sensitive Sampling Plan for Compliance Testing and Acceptance Inspection
W. Beggs,et al.
Statistical methods for nuclear material management