Proceedings of the 38th annual international symposium on Computer architecture

It is a great honor for me to introduce the program of the 38th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture. This symposium is the premier forum for new ideas and experimental results in the area of computer architecture. It has a long tradition of attracting the most impactful research results in this area, and this year is no exception. It has been a great pleasure to work with the very talented and professional team of colleagues that accepted to serve in the program committee for this year's edition. Their dedication and high quality work has been key to maintain the high standards of excellence of the conference. I want to thank all of them for their generous effort for reviewing papers and selecting the final program. I also want to thank all the authors who worked very hard to submit their papers to the conference. The high quality of many of the submitted papers made the selection task very intense and difficult. This year we received 208 papers and each of them went through a thorough review process. Each paper was reviewed by at least 4 members of the program committee and 1 external reviewer. This representedmore than 1000 reviews. As an indication of the professionalism of the PC members and external reviewers, I want to highlight that I received all the requested reviews in time, with no exception. After all reviews were submitted, authors were given the opportunity to see them and rebut any issue raised by the reviewers before the PC meeting. As a last step for preparation for the PC meeting, PC members were requested to read all reviews and rebuttals of their assigned papers and re-score them taking into account the opinions of the other reviewers and the response of the authors. The paper selection was done during the PC meeting that was held at the O'Hare airport in Chicago on February 19, 2011. All PC members but one participated in the meeting. The meeting lasted all day, starting at 8:00am and finishing at 7:00pm with just a very short break for lunch. In the meeting, we discussed every paper that any PC member felt we should discuss. At the end, we selected 40 papers for presentation and publication in the proceedings, which represents an acceptance rate of 19%.