Implementation of the analytical hierarchy process with VBA in ArcGIS

Decisions on landuse have become progressively more difficult in the last decades. The main reasons for this development lie in the increasing population combined with an increasing demand for new land and resources and in the growing consciousness for sustainable land and resource use. The steady reduction of valuable land leads to an increase of conflicts in land use decision-making processes since more interests are being affected and therefore more stakeholders with different land use interests and different valuation criteria are being involved in the decision-making process. In the course of such a decision process all identified criteria are weighted according to their relative importance. But assigning weights to the relevant criteria quickly becomes a difficult task when a greater number of criteria are being considered, especially with regard to land use decisions where decision makers expect some kind of mapped result it is therefore useful to use procedures that not only help to derive criteria weights but also accelerate the visualisation and mapping of land use assessment results. Both aspects can easily be facilitated in a GIS. This paper focuses the development of an ArcGIS VBA macro which enables the user to derive criteria weights with the analytical hierarchy process and which allows a mapping of the land use assessment results by a weighted summation of GIS raster data sets. A dynamic link library for the calculation of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix is provided.