How true is true-3D ? – Geometry between Single Image Stereograms and Lenticular Foil Displays

3D visualization has a long tradition and it starts when people made 3D models of objects of their interest. Besides the symbolic or religious content of 3D “models” known from early Stone Age already in the Ancient World there occurs the need for technical visualizations, plans and models in architecture, mechanical engineering and even cartography. Our interest aims at these technical visualizations and their modern versions, e.g. anaglyphs, single image stereograms and lenticular foil displays. We will distinguish between visualizations showing 3D effects, like perspective drawings and photographs, visualizations showing 3D objects, like anaglyphes and lenticular foil displays, and visualizations showing “true” 3D objects, like 3D models. The main goal of this paper is an analysis of what kind of object can be seen in technical visualization.