Signal processing in Hearing Aids: Results of the HEARCOM project

Digital hearing aids of today allow the application of advanced signal processing strategies. In recent years a number of promising signal processing approaches have been designed and developed. However, most of these different evolutions have been evaluated only in a limited way. Within the framework of the HEARCOM EU‐research project a number of signal enhancement techniques have been further developed and evaluated based on a representative set of real‐life recordings and physical performance measures. Different auditory profiles, representing common categories of hearing aid users, have been taken into account. A selection of 5 of these signal enhancement techniques (single‐channel noise suppression, blind source separation, dereverberation, multi‐microphone adaptive processing, feedback reduction) has been implemented on a single common hard‐ and software test platform, the Master Hearing Aid (MHA). These signal processing strategies have been evaluated perceptually based on speech reception threshol...