Solar multistage flash evaporation (SMSF) as a solar energy application on desalination processes. Description of one demonstration project
Abstract Solar energy application on desalination constitutes one of the activities of the research and development program in DIGAASES. According to this phylosophy a project is being develop in cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany. The project's goal is to prove the feasibility of solar energy use as a source of the termic energy required in the MSF process. The project consists in the design, construction equipment, operation and evaluation of a plant integrated by three systems: 1. Desalination System. MSF plant with a production capacity of 10 M3/day, performance ratio, 9.0 kg. fresh water/103 Kcal 10 Stages in modular arrangement and external condensers in series. 2. Solar Energy System. Composed by a subsystem of low temperature with double tube flat collectors that represent 518.4 M2 of effective collection surface, and a high temperature subsystem with parabolic concentrators that represent an effective collection surface of 160 M2. 3. Energy Storage System. Designed in order to obtain continuous and firm operation of the desalination system along day and night The whole plant is completely implemented in order to receive in an adequated way the information that it generates.