Myzus persicae (green peach aphid) salivary components induce defence responses in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Myzus persicae (green peach aphid) feeding on Arabidopsis thaliana induces a defence response, quantified as reduced aphid progeny production, in infested leaves but not in other parts of the plant. Similarly, infiltration of aphid saliva into Arabidopsis leaves causes only a local increase in aphid resistance. Further characterization of the defence-eliciting salivary components indicates that Arabidopsis recognizes a proteinaceous elicitor with a size between 3 and 10 kD. Genetic analysis using well-characterized Arabidopsis mutants shows that saliva-induced resistance against M. persicae is independent of the known defence signalling pathways involving salicylic acid, jasmonate and ethylene. Among 78 Arabidopsis genes that were induced by aphid saliva infiltration, 52 had been identified previously as aphid-induced, but few are responsive to the well-known plant defence signalling molecules salicylic acid and jasmonate. Quantitative PCR analyses confirm expression of saliva-induced genes. In particular, expression of a set of O-methyltransferases, which may be involved in the synthesis of aphid-repellent glucosinolates, was significantly up-regulated by both M. persicae feeding and treatment with aphid saliva. However, this did not correlate with increased production of 4-methoxyindol-3-ylmethylglucosinolate, suggesting that aphid salivary components trigger an Arabidopsis defence response that is independent of this aphid-deterrent glucosinolate.

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