The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network

The co-authors of this paper hereby state their intention to work together to launch the Genomic Observatories Network (GOs Network) for which this document will serve as its Founding Charter. We define a Genomic Observatory as an ecosystem and/or site subject to long-term scientific research, including (but not limited to) the sustained study of genomic biodiversity from single-celled microbes to multicellular organisms.An international group of 64 scientists first published the call for a global network of Genomic Observatories in January 2012. The vision for such a network was expanded in a subsequent paper and developed over a series of meetings in Bremen (Germany), Shenzhen (China), Moorea (French Polynesia), Oxford (UK), Pacific Grove (California, USA), Washington (DC, USA), and London (UK). While this community-building process continues, here we express our mutual intent to establish the GOs Network formally, and to describe our shared vision for its future. The views expressed here are ours alone as individual scientists, and do not necessarily represent those of the institutions with which we are affiliated.

Renzo Kottmann | Frank Oliver Glöckner | Norman Morrison | Katherine Barker | Sujeevan Ratnasingham | John C Wooley | Matthew J. Bietz | Rob Knight | Susanna-Assunta Sansone | Dawn Field | Mesude Bicak | Serge Planes | Adriana Zingone | Neil Davies | Linda Amaral-Zettler | Melody S Clark | John Deck | Alexei Drummond | Daniel P Faith | Jonathan Geller | Jack Gilbert | Penny R Hirsch | Jo-Ann Leong | Chris Meyer | Matthias Obst | Chris Scholin | Alfried P Vogler | Ruth D Gates | Rob Toonen | Véronique Berteaux-Lecellier | Michèle Barbier | Stefan Bertilsson | Matthew J Bietz | Jason Bobe | Levente Bodrossy | Angel Borja | Jonathan Coddington | Jed Fuhrman | Gunnar Gerdts | Rosemary Gillespie | Kelly Goodwin | Paul C Hanson | Jean-Marc Hero | David Hoekman | Janet Jansson | Christian Jeanthon | Rebecca Kao | Anna Klindworth | Michelle S Koo | Georgios Kotoulas | Andrew J Lowe | Viggó Thór Marteinsson | Folker Meyer | David D Myrold | Evangelos Pafilis | Stephanie Parker | John Jacob Parnell | Paraskevi N Polymenakou | George K Roderick | Naiara Rodriguez-Ezpeleta | Karsten Schonrogge | Nathalie Simon | Nathalie J Valette-Silver | Yuri P Springer | Graham N Stone | Steve Stones-Havas | Kate M Thibault | Patricia Wecker | Antje Wichels | Tetsukazu Yahara | Jason R. Bobe | P. Hanson | R. Knight | A. Klindworth | A. Wichels | G. Gerdts | F. Glöckner | N. Morrison | Á. Borja | J. Gilbert | J. Coddington | Susanna-Assunta Sansone | R. Gates | M. Clark | D. Faith | Folker Meyer | J. Fuhrman | A. Vogler | S. Bertilsson | D. Field | A. Drummond | D. Hoekman | J. Jansson | K. Goodwin | E. Pafilis | R. Kottmann | L. Amaral-Zettler | G. Stone | J. Geller | S. Ratnasingham | T. Yahara | A. Lowe | N. Valette-Silver | A. Zingone | N. Simon | C. Jeanthon | P. Polymenakou | C. Meyer | L. Bodrossy | N. Rodríguez‐Ezpeleta | V. Berteaux-Lecellier | P. Wecker | M. Barbier | Neil Davies | R. Toonen | C. Scholin | G. Roderick | P. Hirsch | R. Gillespie | K. Schonrogge | G. Kotoulas | D. Myrold | S. Planes | M. Obst | V. Marteinsson | M. Koo | J. Hero | K. Thibault | Steven Stones-Havas | J. Wooley | J. Deck | R. Kao | J. J. Parnell | Jo-Ann C. Leong | Yuri P. Springer | Katherine Barker | Mesude Bicak | Stephanie Parker | Y. Springer | M. Clark