Variation in the uptake of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Zinc by different species of willows Salix spp. grown in contaminated soils

The experiment assessed the variability of in seven clones of willow plants of high biomass production (Salix smithiana S-218, Salix smithiana S-150, Salix viminalis S-519, Salix alba S-464, Salix ’Pyramidalis’ S-141, Salix dasyclados S-406, Salix rubens S-391). They were planted in a pots for three vegetation periods in three soils differing in the total content of risk elements. Comparing the calculated relative decrease of total metal contents in soils, the phytoextraction potential of willows was obtained for cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn), moderately contaminated Cambisol and uncontaminated Chernozem, where aboveground biomass removed about 30% Cd and 5% Zn of the total element content, respectively. The clones showed variability in removing Cd and Zn, depending on soil type and contamination level: S. smithiana (S-150) and S. rubens (S-391) demonstrated the highest phytoextraction effect for Cd and Zn. For lead (Pb) and arsenic (As), the ability to accumulate the aboveground biomass of willows was found to be negligible in both soils. The results confirmed that willow plants show promising results for several elements, mainly for mobile ones like cadmium and zinc in moderate levels of contamination. The differences in accumulation among the clones seemed to be affected more by the properties of clones, not by the soil element concentrations or soil properties. However, confirmation and verification of the results in field conditions as well as more detailed investigation of the mechanisms of cadmium uptake in rhizosphere of willow plants will be determined by further research.

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