Bridging the Generic Modeling Environment ( GME ) and the Eclipse Modeling Framework ( EMF )

Model Driven Software Development (MDSD) is based on a number of common principles that involve the concepts of model, metamodel, and model transformation. These principles can be applied to different standards and different environments. The AMMA platform (ATLAS Model Management Architecture) is an example of an environment based on the principles of model engineering. Currently AMMA is implemented on top of EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework). However, ignoring other environments and platforms, based on different conventions, standards or protocols like the Generic Modeling Environment (GME) would be unwise because one of the desired properties of models is their ability to be exchanged between different contexts. Due to their abstraction expression level, they should ideally be more adaptable to various operational environments than conventional code. To be able to exchange models between an EMF based system and a corresponding GME platform supposes an abstract understanding of both architectures and a precise organization of the interoperability scheme. This paper describes the first results of a project in this area and presents the lessons learnt in this work.